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Shopping Secrets

Houzz promo codes and Cash Back from Rakuten are two smart ways to keep remodeling and decorating costs under control. Here are a few other ideas that can help you save money while remodeling.

Trade Partnerships

Design and remodeling professionals can earn and save money via Houzz’s trade-partnership program. Houzz offers members select products at discounts of up to 50%. You can also earn a commission of 10% if your client purchases something through the Houzz website. Simply add products to an idea book and give your client access as a collaborator. The client pays the retail price, and you’ll receive 10% of the purchase price as a commission. You can also give someone you’re working with a special discount code. If a client uses the code to buy materials through Houzz, you’ll receive a 5% commission and your client will get a 5% discount. You’ll also be eligible for free shipping on orders over $49. To join as a partner, look for the Trade Program link at the bottom of the home page.

Making money is almost as fun as saving it. Cash Back with Rakuten, Houzz discount codes and these shopping secrets provide you with serious financial benefits. This combination lets you save and make money at the same time.
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